First Look : Yes or No?

First Look : Yes or No

Ah, the big debate of every wedding. Maybe some of you know for sure whether or not you want to do a first look so it isn’t much of a stress. But I am willing to bet that there are a lot of you that are willing to weigh both sides before deciding for sure.

So let’s settle it : should you do a first look with your fiance before the ceremony? Here are some pros and cons to consider!


  1. Extra Time for Romantics

    • When you plan to include a first look in your day, you and your fiance gain valuable time to be together and to capture romantics with your photographer. Then, instead of waiting until after the ceremony to actually get to talk with your spouse and soak in the time on this day with them, you get to see them early! You get more time to enjoy how special this day is and how happy you both are to be getting married. When you see each other early in the day you also free up so much more time to take beautiful photos with just you two. This way, you don’t have to take time away from the reception (the fun party!!!!) for a bunch of photos!

  2. Letter Reading or Private Vows

    • A first look is the perfect time for sharing an intimate moment with your future husband/wife before you do the thing! Some couples choose to spend this time by reading letters they had written for one another. Other couples have a separate list of vows that they read to each other in private. Both create beautiful moments for your photographer to capture before the ceremony and give you space to genuinely spend time with your favorite person in the world before you have 100+ guests staring at you LOL!

  3. TWO Special Reveals

    • Some brides (& grooms) seem to think that a first look will dampen the emotional reaction of your spouse when you walk down the aisle. On the contrary, 99.9% of the grooms who are emotional when you are walking down the aisle would have been just as emotional even if they saw you before the ceremony. Some grooms don’t get emotional at all - that is okay too!! Here is a story for you: my husband is not an emotional man - opposites attract right!? We did a first look and I CRIED! He did not. But when I walked down the aisle, he bawled! Your first look has nearly ZERO impact on the reaction you will get when you walk down the aisle! Trust me - the moment is special enough by itself!


  1. Reveal Before The Aisle

    • As discussed above, the reaction when you walk down the aisle is hardly ever impacted by having a first look. However, maybe you’ve had your heart set on this since you were young. The first time you were to see your spouse on your wedding day would be the moment you walked down the aisle. That is okay too! It will be a very special moment regardless!

  2. Superstition

    • I’ve heard the old tale that it’s bad luck to see the bride in her dress before the ceremony. Maybe this is true but none of the weddings that I know that have done a first look have had bad luck. Regardless, maybe this is something you believe - that’s okay!

  3. Perceived Loss of Emotional Reaction from Spouse

    • Let’s say you decide to do a first look and them your spouse doesn’t cry when you walk down the aisle. Will you blame the first look? I hope not because not every groom cries when their bride walks down the aisle even if they didn’t have a first look. Trust me when I say there is nearly NO correlation between a first look and loss of emotion down the aisle. TRUST!

Weigh the pros and cons of a first look before you dig your heels in on either side. There are things to consider! Talk to your photographer and get their opinion on a first look! See what they say! Talk to your spouse to see if they had any preconceptions about a first look.

Whichever you decide, your day will be special and beautiful!!


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