Take Care of Yourself

This post is meant to help you pause and reflect. Not about your photography needs or wants. But we would like to give you a space and a gentle reminder to take care of yourself today.

Our bodies are swarmed with stimulation from the moment we open our eyes in the morning to the moment we close them again at night. Every year more technology is shoved in our face and people become more and more divided on important issues. Can we all admit that it’s a lot? It is too much for our bodies and brains to handle.

On top of all of that, we are working to try and support families and make sure that our future generations will be okay - all the while we can’t find space to sit in silence and just be. Just be without the pressure of what we should be working on or should be accomplishing at that moment. When is the last time you let yourself sit down and just truly sit. Enjoy it. Breathe it in and take a step back from the pressures and stimulations of this world. Leave your phone in a different room, sit outside and listen to the birds or get some fresh air. Watch an ant carry food back to their family. Just sit and notice the things happening around you.

Honestly, this has become a daunting task for most of us. Whether it’s guilt for taking time for yourself or anxiety because your brain is allowed to take a minute and just think. Whatever it may be, try to lean in. Lean in and try to imagine what life was like before social media was breathing down your throat all day. When gas prices weren’t more expensive than groceries. When things felt a little more simple.

Maybe there was never truly a time like I had described but what if we built one? What if we all decided that there was more to this life than climbing the corporate ladder and making as much money as possible? What if we picked up that old hobby, not because it might make us more money but because we LIKED it?

I believe we can still shift the tide and focus on what truly matters. Please, today - look your loved ones in the eye and tell them how much they mean to you. Notice the things that you are grateful for in your life and hold on to them! You do not have to live in the pressures that is society today.

All I want from this post is to encourage you to live and love the way you want to. Chase the things that feed your soul, not tear it down. The C.Mae Design team is made of people with big emotions, big dreams, and big hearts. We are with you and striving to better support our community every single day. 

With love, 



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